To allow good interaction between different programs in your information system, Web Services are available in PWM.
In order to use web services, you must check with your license administrator.
The technology used is REST. The data is returned in JSON format.
Since release 1.2.1, all web services are available.
Get an authentication key
Before calling a web service you must retrieve an authentication key.
A web service is available for this purpose on the URL:
Important This web service uses a
PUT method.
- ServerName : is the server name or IP address
- ServerPort : is the server port number (may be optional depending on the configuration)
- DomainKey : is the domain key to which the user belongs
- Login: represents the user login
- Password: is the password of the user
- TimeToLive: represents the time during which the authentication key is valid, this time is in ms
Example (using a PUT method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/key/1/administrator/password/600000
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
You will need the value under the attribute key to use the other web services, here we can see it is 151201359.
Users Web Service
Before calling this web service you must have an authentication key.
The web services for users are available under the root URL:
: if you want to see a user
: if you want to search among users using criteria
: if you want to create a user
: if you want to update a user
: if you want to receive an email with your connections information
- ServerName : is the server name or IP address
- ServerPort : is the server port number (may be optional depending on the configuration)
- DomainKey : is your domain key
- login: is your login or your email
- AuthenticationKey : is key obtain with the authentication service
- UserId: is the user id you are interested in
- keyX: name of a paramter, caution to upper/lower case.
- valueX: value linked with parameter keyX
Users Web Service - View
Important This web service uses a
GET method.
Example (using a GET method) : https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/users/view/1975043074/5
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Users Web Service - Search
- This web service uses a GET method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You can use all the following parameters for your search:
- internalId
- state : 0 for Ok, 1 for deactivated, 2 for deleted
- sex: 0 for man, 1 for woman
- firstname
- lastname
- email
- phone
- postalcode
- city
- country
- connected : 1 for only those connected, 0 for only those not connected, null value for both
Example (using a GET method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/users/search/1975043074?sex=1&lastname=bonnet
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Users Web Service - Create
- This web service uses a PUT method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You must specify values for the following parameters:
- lastName
- firstName
- login : at least six characters
- local : the language (ex: en_US) (Locale)
- email
- sex : 0 for man, 1 for woman
- newPassword : the password
You can complet the creation of your user by using the following parameters:
- address
- dateFormat : date format for birth date (SimpleDateFormat)
- birthDate
- cellularPhone
- city
- country
- office
- phone
- postalCode
- internalId
- isAdmin
- chief_nb : wil indicate that this user is chief for the unit's id nb (ex: chief_5=true)
- member_nb : wil indicate that this user is member for the unit's id nb (ex: member_3=true)
- cost_nb : wil indicate that this user has a cost (the parameter value) for the unit's id nb (ex: cost_5=3.5)
Example (using a PUT method):
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Users Web Service - Update
- This web service uses a PUT method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
- you cannot change login nor the fact that the user is an administrator or not.
- if you want to change the unit's role, you'll have to edit the unit.
You can use the following parameters:
- lastName
- firstName
- local : la language (ex: fr_FR) (Locale)
- state : 0 for Ok, 1 for deactivated, 2 for deleted
- email
- sex : 0 for man, 1 for woman
- newPassword
- address
- dateFormat : date format for birth date (SimpleDateFormat)
- birthDate
- cellularPhone
- city
- country
- office
- phone
- postalCode
- internalId
Example (using a PUT method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/users/update/124705338/131?newPassword=bonjour34
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Web Service User : Forgot
- This web service uses a GET method.
Example (using a GET method) : https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/users/forgotpassword/1/administrator
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Units Web Service
Before calling this web service you must have an authentication key.
The web services for units are all under the root URL /units:
: if you want to see a unit
: if you want to search among units using criteria
: if you want to create a unit
: if you want to update a unit
- ServerName : is the server name or IP address
- ServerPort : is the server port number (may be optional depending on the configuration)
- AuthenticationKey : is key obtain with the authentication service
- UnitId: is the unit id you are interested in
- keyX: name of a paramter, caution to upper/lower case.
- valueX: value linked with parameter keyX
Web Service - Unit: View
Important This web service uses a
GET method.
Example (using GET method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/units/view/124705338/5
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Web Service - Unit: Search
- This web service uses a GET method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You can use all the following parameters :
- internalId
- state : 0 for Ok, 1 for deactivated, 2 for deleted
- internalId
- label
- description
- localization
Example (using GET method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/units/search/124705338?label=cor
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Web Service - Unit: Create
- This web service uses a PUT method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You must specify values for the following parameters:
- label
- chief_nb : a unit must have at least one cheaf. This parameter indicates that the user'id nb will be chief for this unit (ex: chief_4=true)
You can complet the creation of your user by using the following parameters:
- description
- localization
- internalId
- chief_nb : This parameter indicates that the user'id nb will be chief for this unit (ex: chief_4=true)
- member_nb : This parameter indicates that the user'id nb will be a member of this unit (ex: member_3=true)
- cost_nb : This parameter indicates that the user'id nb will have a default cost (parameter value) for this unit (ex: cost_3=5.3)
Example (using PUT method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/units/create/623649985?label=Service Achat&chief_3=true
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Web Service - Unit: : Update
- This web service uses a PUT method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
- If you want to change a role value you'll have to specify all information. All missing information will be removed from the element.
You can use all the following parameters :
- label
- description
- localization
- state : 0 for Ok, 1 for deactivated, 2 for deleted
- internalId
- chief_nb : This parameter indicates that the user'id nb will be chief for this unit (ex: chief_4=true)
- member_nb : This parameter indicates that the user'id nb will be a member of this unit (ex: member_3=true)
- cost_nb : This parameter indicates that the user'id nb will have a default cost (parameter value) for this unit (ex: cost_3=5.3)
Example (using PUT method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/units/update/623649985/40?chief_3=true&cost_3=3.5
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Projects Web Service
Before calling this web service you must have an authentication key.
The web services for projects are all under the root URL /projects:
: if you want to see a project
: if you want to search among projects using criteria
: if you want to create a project
: if you want to update a project
: if you want to see all due projects
: if you want to see all projects where user has a role
- ServerName : is the server name or IP address
- ServerPort : is the server port number (may be optional depending on the configuration)
- AuthenticationKey : is key obtain with the authentication service
- ProjectId: is the project id you are interested in
- keyX: name of a paramter, caution to upper/lower case.
- valueX: value linked with parameter keyX
Projects Web Service: View
Important This web service uses a
GET method.
Example (using GET method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/projects/view/1975043074/188
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Projects Web Service: Search
- This web service uses a GET method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You can use all the following parameters :
- internalId
- state:
- 0 meaning project is available. All its tasks are disabled (until project get started).
- 1 meaning project is disabled. All its tasks are disabled.
- 2 meaning project is deleted. All its tasks are deleted.
- 3 meaning project is started. All its tasks become available if they were disabled.
- 4 meaning project is ended. All its tasks are ended.
- 5 meaning project is paused. All its tasks are paused.
- 6 meaning project is cancelled. All its tasks are cancelled.
- label
- description
- startDateBegin
- startDateEnd
- endDateBegin
- endDateEnd
- priorityStart
- priorityEnd
- personal: accept,only,reject
- dateFormat: see SimpleDateFormat
Example (using GET method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/projects/search/1975043074?state=3&personal=reject
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Projects Web Service: Create
- This web service uses a PUT method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You must specify values for the following parameters:
- label
- chief_userid_unitid=costvalue : you need at leasy one chief for all none personal project.
You can complete using the following parameters:
- description
- priority
- internalId
- estimatedTime
- estimatedTimeUnit: 3 for days (default), 2 for hours, 1 for minutes;
- supposedDateFormat : see SimpleDateFormat
- supposedEndDate
- supposedStartDate
- isPersonal : true a personal project, false for standard
- sendEvent
- supposedCost
- finalCost
- personalCost: your cost if project is personal
- analyst_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: analyst_4_1=3)
- architect_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: architect_4_1=3)
- chief_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: chief_4_1=3)
- client_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: client_4_1=3)
- developer_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: developer_4_1=3)
- integrator_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: integrator_4_1=3)
Example (using PUT method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/projects/create/1873272354?label=Projet Refonte Réseaux v4&chief_2_1=5.3&chief_1_5=8
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Projects Web Service: Update
- This web service uses a PUT method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
- you cannot change the fact that a project is personal or not
- If you want to change a role value you'll have to specify all information. All missing information will be removed from the element.
You can use all the following parameters :
- label
- description
- priority
- internalId
- estimatedTime
- estimatedTimeUnit: 3 for days (default), 2 for hours, 1 for minutes;
- supposedDateFormat : see SimpleDateFormat
- supposedEndDate
- supposedStartDate
- sendEvent
- supposedCost
- finalCost
- comment: a new comment
- personalCost: your cost if project is personal
- analyst_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: analyst_4_1=3)
- architect_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: architect_4_1=3)
- chief_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: chief_4_1=3)
- client_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: client_4_1=3)
- developer_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: developer_4_1=3)
- integrator_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: integrator_4_1=3)
- author_userid_unitid=costvalue : If project is not personal, indicates that user's id userid linked with unit's id unitid
will have the given role at the specified cost (ex: author_4_1=3)
- state:
- 0 meaning project is available. All its tasks are disabled (until project get started).
- 1 meaning project is disabled. All its tasks are disabled.
- 2 meaning project is deleted. All its tasks are deleted.
- 3 meaning project is started. All its tasks become available if they were disabled.
- 4 meaning project is ended. All its tasks are ended.
- 5 meaning project is paused. All its tasks are paused.
- 6 meaning project is cancelled. All its tasks are cancelled.
Example (using PUT method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/projects/update/1873272354/257?state=3
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Projects Web Service: : due
- This web service uses a GET method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You can use all the following parameters :
- states: a list of states ex: 0 or 0,1,2,3
- before: a number, 7 by default
- after: a number, 7 by default
- unit: a time unit, 3 for days (default), 2 for hours, 1 for minutes
- personal:
- null/absent : will take both.
- true : will take only personal project.
- false : will take only standard project.
Example (using GET method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/projects/dueBy/418664024?states=0,1,3
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Projects Web Service: : where
user has a role
- This web service uses a GET method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You can use all the following parameters :
- states: a list of states ex: 0 or 0,1,2,3
- supposedStartDateStart
- supposedStartDateEnd
- supposedEndDateStart
- supposedEndDateEnd
- dateFormat : see SimpleDateFormat
- personal:
- null/absent : will take both.
- true : will take only personal project.
- false : will take only standard project.
Example (using GET method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/projects/assignedTo/418664024?states=0,3
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Tasks Web Service
Before calling this web service you must have an authentication key.
The web services for tasks are all under the root URL /tasks:
: if you want to see a task
: if you want to search among tasks using criteria
: if you want to create a task
: if you want to update a task
: if you want to see all due tasks
: if you want to see all tasks assigned to user
- ServerName : is the server name or IP address
- ServerPort : is the server port number (may be optional depending on the configuration)
- AuthenticationKey : is key obtain with the authentication service
- TaskId: is the task id you are interested in
- keyX: name of a paramter, caution to upper/lower case.
- valueX: value linked with parameter keyX
Tasks Web Service: View
Important This web service uses a
GET method.
Example (using GET method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/tasks/view/190772752/5
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Tasks Web Service: Search
- This web service uses a GET method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You can use all the following parameters :
- state
- 0 meaning task is available. No one started it yet, it's a brand new one.
- 1 meaning task is disabled.
- 2 meaning task is deleted. It won't be visible in Gantt.
- 3 meaning task is started. Someone started to work on this task.
- 4 meaning task is ended. No more work to do on this one.
- 5 meaning task is paused. In this state you can change timeline and completion
- 6 meaning task is cancelled. This one will not be done.
- label
- description
- priorityStart
- priorityEnd
- authorId
- assignedId
- projectId
- personal: accept,only,reject
- type
Example (using GET method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/tasks/search/188688276?state=1&personal=reject
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Tasks Web Service: Create
- This web service uses a PUT method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You must specify values for the following parameters:
- label
- authorId
- assignedToId
- projectId
- supposedEndDate
- supposedStartDate
You can complete using the following parameters:
- motherTaskId
- completion
- description
- priority
- internalId
- estimatedTime
- supposedDateFormat : see SimpleDateFormat
- isPersonal
- type
- sendEvent
- supposedCost
- finalCost
Example (using PUT method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/tasks/create/188688276?label=Exemple de
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Tasks Web Service: Update
- This web service uses a PUT method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You can use all the following parameters :
- assignedToId
- projectId
- motherTaskId
- completion
- description
- label
- priority
- state
- 0 meaning task is available. No one started it yet, it's a brand new one.
- 1 meaning task is disabled.
- 2 meaning task is deleted. It won't be visible in Gantt.
- 3 meaning task is started. Someone started to work on this task.
- 4 meaning task is ended. No more work to do on this one.
- 5 meaning task is paused. In this state you can change timeline and completion
- 6 meaning task is cancelled. This one will not be done.
- internalId
- estimatedTime
- supposedDateFormat : see SimpleDateFormat
- supposedEndDate
- supposedStartDate
- isPersonal
- type
- sendEvent
- supposedCost
- finalCost
- comment: a new comment that will be added to others
- timeLineMap: the time line (respecting timeline format)
Example (using PUT method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/tasks/update/418664024/687?state=3&completion=20
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object :
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Tasks Web Service: due
- This web service uses a GET method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You can use all the following parameters :
- states: a list of states ex: 0 or 0,1,2,3
- before: a number, 7 by default
- after: a number, 7 by default
- unit: a time unit, 3 for days (default), 2 for hours, 1 for minutes
- personal:
- null/absent : will take both.
- true : will take only personal task.
- false : will take only standard task.
Example (using GET method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/tasks/dueBy/418664024?states=0,1,3
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
Tasks Web Service: assignées
- This web service uses a GET method.
- Respect upper/lower case for parameters.
You can use all the following parameters :
- states: a list of states ex: 0 or 0,1,2,3
- supposedStartDateStart
- supposedStartDateEnd
- supposedEndDateStart
- supposedEndDateEnd
- dateFormat : see SimpleDateFormat
- personal:
- null/absent : will take both.
- true : will take only personal task.
- false : will take only standard task.
Example (using GET method): https://localhost:8080/pwm/rest/tasks/assignedTo/418664024?states=0,3
If you succeed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 200 and the answer body will be a JSON object.
If you failed in your call, HTTP return code wille be 303 and the answer body will be a JSON object.