
Project Web Manager is a free open source project for organizing your projects. You can create units/projects/task and monitor them through a Web 2.0 interface.

With PWM you can

  • Organize your project
  • Build your teams
  • Follow your costs
  • Handle your documents (specifications, feature requests ...)
  • Assign roles to your team member
  • Handle task assignment
  • Have a look at the project's schedule
  • Have a precise look at how long does a task take
  • Keep an historic of your tasks, you projects (who did it, when, how long it takes)
  • Import / export using Excel, XML, CSV files

Technology behind Project Web Manager

PWM is a J2EE application using a WEB 2.0 interface. It is a thin client that runs on almost every web navigator (IE 8+, Opera, Firefox, Chrome ...).

The web interface is a responsive one made in HTML5, meaning it will adjust regarding the size of your browser/screen.

Lots of open source framework are behind PWM, such as Spring, Struts, Hibernate, JQuery, ...

Since it is a thin client, users don't need any specific program installed on their computer, a simple web navigator and it's good to go.

All information regarding your projects are stored into the server, nothing is on the user computer.

Full technical specification (v 1.2.5x):

Data base supported

For now, PWM is available for MySQL and MariaDB data base only.
If you need to use it with an other data base, you'll need to contact the

New release

The last release of Project Web Manager is available in v1.2.53. This is a beta version. You can have a look at the release page for more details.

Source code and binary are available at the download page.

Give it a try: its free.

Project Web Manager: a quick tour

Visit the quick tour page in order to see some use case for PWM.

Let me try

Try the Project Web Manager for real and for free.

You can try and test Product Web Manager using this link:

Use the following users:

  • Login: administrator, password: password, domain key: 1 : This is default administrator user, can do every thing.
  • Login: administrateur, password: password, domain key: 1 : This is an other administrator user that can do every thing but using French locale.
  • Login: testuserX, password: testuserX, domain key: 1 : Where X is a number between 1 and 100. Standard users. (for example: testuser50,testuser50), locale is random (French or English)

You can also use the flagged buttons in order to auto-login.

License of Project Web Manager

PWM is a J2EE application using a WEB 2.0 interface, since it is build with free and open source software, the software is free for you to use.

Do not forget that this code is under AAL License.

You can make a donation if you like, it will be welcome.

Nonetheless, if you want to use PWM in SAS mode or simply need a support, a customization, or someone to help you install and configure it you'll have to contact the commercial team.