Release Board
Posted on Aug 06, 2017 by webmaster
On this page you'll find all the release history from Beta 1.0.0.
Release 1.2.53
Posted on Aug 06, 2017 by webmaster
Evolutions from version 1.2.10 :
- Spring, migration to version 4.3.9
- Struts, migration to version 2.5.12
- Hibernate, migration to version 5.2.10
- JQuery, migration to version 1.11.3
- JQuery UI, migration to version 1.11.4
- Noty JS, migration to version 2.3.7
- Log4J2, migration to version 2.8
- POI, migration to version 3.16
Release 1.2.10
Posted on Mar 03, 2015 by webmaster
Evolutions from version 1.2.02 :
- Spring, migration to version 4.1.5
- Struts, migration to version 2.3.20
- Hibernate, migration to version 4.3.8
- JQuery, migration to version 1.11.2
- JQuery UI, migration to version 1.11.3
- Noty JS, migration to version 2.3.4
- Log4J, migration to version 2.2
- POI, migration to version 3.11
- JSoup, migration to version 1.8.1
- Web services, you can now create, update search.
- Added an information when session expired.
- A task or a project is now considered as due if supposedEndDate <= today.
- Change the Log4J format pattern and some behaviour.
- You can change the log level of LoggingInterceptor by using a parameter
- Changed the Web services URI, added a /view for selection of element. Also WebService are now dispatched using POST, GET, DELETE, PUT methods
- Added Spring filter in web.xml in order to support PUT WebService.
- Changed the web services error mechanism in order to be more explicit on error.
- Changed the structure of some JSon object. Also changed the behaviour for toJson methods.
- Added a searchXxx methods for all elements in GlobalService. Those methods will handle the right to see an element or not. Updated actions consequently.
- Task creation will use Ajax feed, this will speed up construction of the page.
- Caution, Estimated computed cost for a project has change, now it will be the sum of all estimated task cost (for a not ended task = Estimated cost or if
null will be estimated time * the cost of actual assigned user, for an ended task = final cost).
- Mail options have moved to license panel.
- Web services activation is available at the license panel.
Bug corrected:
- Removed JSF from Maven POM and updated POM dependency
- Bug when administrator created personal task with specific author and assigned to him.
- The Web Services now use the global right management (same as web application).
- Struts Internal security mechanism, generated warn logs and avoid icon from showing in dashboard was corrected.
- Right management for unit and user update is now correct.
- Error in tooltip for project cost.
- Unit menu for administrator was not visible when he was not part of any unit
Release 1.2.02
Posted on November 17, 2014 by webmaster
Evolutions from version 1.2.01:
- Spring, migration to version 4.1.2
- Log4J, migration to version 2.1.0
- Hibernate, migration to version 4.3.7
- JQueryUI, migration to version 1.11.2
- DataTables, migration to version 1.10.4
- NotyJS, migration to version 2.2.4
- CKEditor, migration to version 4.4.5
Release 1.2.01
Posted on October 16, 2014 by webmaster
Evolutions from version 1.2.00:
- Spring, migration to version 4.1.1
- Log4J, migration to version 2.0.2
Bug corrected:
- Administration console is restored.
Release 1.2.00
Posted on September 02, 2014 by webmaster
Evolutions from version 1.1.04:
- Hibernate mapping will use annotation instead of XML file.
- All project icon role have been updated.
- Hibernate, migration to version 4.3.6
- Tomcat , migration to version 8.0.11
- CKEditor , migration to version 4.4.3
- JQuery UI, migration to version 1.11.0
- Spring, migration to version 4.0.6
- Data Tables, migration to version 1.10.2
- JDK, migration to version 1.8.20
- All cost information for task and project are now on a specific tab.
- AnyTime JS, migration to version 5.05
- equals method was simplified.
- Change the mechanism of news system. It will be more efficient and reactive, it will also update the user if necessary.
- Changed the forgot password screen for more simplification.
- All state icon have been updated.
- PWM is now in HTML5 and uses a responsive design (can change its resolution automatically). This huge change may introduce some visual problem for old
browser. Please report them.
- A computed estimated Cost value is added to project and task view. For project, it represents sum of all tasks computed estimated cost (if not ended) or
final cost (if ended).
- A final cost value for task and project. Will represent the cost value of the element when it be reach ended state.
- A click on a phone number will call the phone application (if any).
- A check on all elements (task, project, unit, user) right is done before viewing/exporting/searching information. So now, for example, if user has no role in
a project or a task he will not be able to see it.
- A computed estimated Cost value is added to task view. It represents assigned user cost * supposed time.
- A refresh icon is now available on all elements when viewing and editing.
- On the user view, all administrator can now send an automatic email to any user containing its authentication information.
- Every one can search users now, scope of search will depend of user role.
Bug corrected:
- 'Project Author': A bug where when an administrator or a unit chief was editing a project they became author of it.
- 'Security time': Security time exception will be more user friendly. Those exceptions pop up when you want to update an element that is not up to date
(someone updated it before you).
- 'XML export': Real cost was missing in project and task XML export.
- 'Comments': A bug where when editing a task, comments were not saved and/or deleted.
- 'Internationalized Month': A bug where month were not internationalized in english on task view.
- 'French translation': Ended french translation for preferences errors.
- 'Closing Span': Forgot a closing span in task tooltip.
- 'Timeline': A bug where when editing a task, time line was showing tomorrow.
- 'Long comment': Comment was not well presented if too long.
- 'XLS export': Start date and end date was not right in XLS export for task.
- 'Project with no team': A bug where when creating project with no team was generating an unexpected error.
- 'Unit chief tooltip': Tooltip on user view screen for unit chief was not correct.
- 'SimpleDateFormat': Technical change for the SimpleDateFormat in order to get better behavior in TimeLineTO.
- 'Null message': A bug where when editing a task, message was containing null instead of the task name.
- 'XLS Export and time': EstimatedTime and ElapsedTime were sometimes not correct for Project and Task in XLS export.
Release 1.1.04
Posted on June 17, 2014 by webmaster
Evolutions from version 1.1.03:
- Added Maven dependency mechanism for sources and JAR. This moves the META-INF folder into resources instead of webapp. Also use the m2e plugin in order to use Eclipse project.
- Tomcat, migration to version 7.0.54
- Struts, migration to version
- Anytime JS, migration to version 5.0.2-1405301019
- Noty JS, migration to version 2.2.4
- Spring, migration to version 4.0.5
- JQuery, migration to version 1.11.1
- JS Datatables, migration to version 1.10
Bug corrected:
- 'Mail label': Task end label for email was missing
- 'Excel selection': When export is done, selected values will be in bold italic instead of colored cell
- 'Csv export': When export is done in CSV, end of line was missing between elements
Release 1.1.03
Posted on April 23, 2014 by webmaster
Evolutions from version 1.1.02:
- Anytime JS, migration to version 5.0.1-1403131246
- Hibernate, migration to version 4.3.5
- Notify JS, migration to version 4.3.4
- JQuery Datatable grouping migration to version 1.2.9
- Handsontable JS, migration to version 0.10.5
Bug corrected:
- Task estimated Time Unit, was in some cases wrong
- Task time line was not showing properly when at least two users took part to the task
- View of task time line, was in some cases, missing last day
Release 1.1.02
Posted on March 28, 2014 by webmaster
Evolutions from version 1.1.01:
- Compatibility with MariaDB
- POI, migration to version 3.10
- JQuery migration to version 1.11.0
- Struts, migration to version
- Hibernate, migration to version 4.3.4
- Tomcat, migration to version 7.0.52
- Spring, migration to version 4.0.2
- JQuery UI migration to version 1.10.4
- Timeline will hide zero days values
- Task, Project and user have a cost notion now. Read documentation for more information.
- Import can use zipped Excel file (mandatory if your Excel file is larger than 2Mg).
Bug corrected:
- 'Label key': Forgot a label key in default and english ressource bundle.
- 'Unit edit': In some cases, the team could not be edited
- 'Project view': Removed 'No user assigned to this project.' that was always visible.
- '% missing': A % was missing in the help screen for user search, english version.
- 'User and unit link': Issue with the link between user and unit at user creation when a unit was not visible.
- 'Project edit': In some cases, the team could not be edited.
Release 1.1.01
Posted on January 30, 2014 by webmaster
Evolutions from version 1.1.00:
- Units id will be visible in project's edition/creation.
- Author is now visible as a projet's role.
- Disabled tasks will be shown for computed values and Gantt chart in project.
Bug corrected:
- Corrected some typo error in French
Release 1.1.0
Posted on January 10, 2014 by webmaster
Evolutions from version Beta 1.0.11:
- Use of JNDI pool
- MySQL connector, migration to version 5.1.28
- Hibernate, migration to version 4.3.0
- In view mode, event view will be less expressive
- Spring, migration to version 4.0.0
- Titles of pages have change to be more expressive
- Computed values from tasks will be visible in edition view of projects.
- Attached file size is limited at 2Mg for each file, 16Mg for the sum of all file size
- JavaScript alert popup have been replaced.
- Added a super user interface to handle domain creation/update and license.
- You can now move the supposed start date of a project, doing so will also move all supposed start date of tasks that have not been started yet.
- You can add a comments to a project or a task. They will be dated and historized.
Bug corrected:
- 'Event View': Corrected some typo error in French
- Problem in message handling when file size was not correct
- Problem with license count when deleting a user and then reactivate it
- Wrong task history was generated when task was reassigned
- Issue with task that are across two years/.
Release Beta 1.0.11
Posted on December 12, 2013 by webmaster
Evolutions from version Beta 1.0.10:
- A completion icon (0%, 15%, ... 100%) will be visible near task name
- A list of administrator is now available in the preference view. You can contact them using those informations.
- Struts, migration to version 2.3.16
- A click on a task action will not reload the all dashboard view but just the list of tasks
- Main functional services have been regrouped in a more readable global service.
- Noty JS, migration to version 2.2.0
- Popup will work differently now, they will refresh every minute and only to people that are linked with the event (except the author).
- Deleting user will now reset its units right, allowing better readings in units view
- The task assignation has been reviewed.
- Email service can work using a domain key (allow or disallow the ability to send email using domain key)
- All Dashboard informations will refresh accordingly with the preference option (1mn by default)
- Using the preferences you can activate history for each element view (unit, user, project, task).
- Element's id will be more visible now in order to simplify readings and sendEvent editing
- State of project and gender of users assigned to task will be visible in task view
- You can use Events to link elements. As an example, at the end of a task, you can start a project.
Bug corrected:
- 'Removed console.log in gantt JS': Removed console.log in gantt JS
- 'Mother tasks': Some issues with tasks that have childs have been corrected
- 'Admin editing project': Corrected loss of the team organisation when an admin was editing a project that does not belong to its units
- 'User edit': Could't change the state of a user when connected as admin
- 'User Refresh': Visual problem when editing a project or a unit where user had a role is corrected
- 'Attached file': File was not attached or removed properly in some specific cases
- 'Project view computed elapsed time': Project view computed elapsed time was not show properly sometimes
Release Beta 1.0.10
Posted on December 08, 2013 by webmaster
Evolutions from version Beta 1.0.9:
- Menu JS Migration to version 2.9.7
- Hibernate, migration to version 4.2.8
- Some screen will show more quickly
- ChkEditor, migration to version 4.3
- Noty JS migration to version 2.12
- Simplification of web service behavior, read documentation
Bug corrected:
- 'Session lost': On some OS with some browser, session id was lost
- 'Menu image': Menu image are now showing properly
- 'User image': User image is now updating properly
Release Beta 1.0.9
Posted on November 18, 2013 by webmaster
Evolutions from version Beta 1.0.8:
- 404 error is nicer now
- MySQL Connector, migration to version 5.1.27
- Spring, migration to version 3.2.5
- Tomcat, migration to version 4.0.47
- REST Web services for selection are available for all entities (unit, task, project, user) (documentation will come later)
Release Beta 1.0.8
Posted on November 06, 2013 by webmaster
Evolutions from version Beta 1.0.7:
- French Excel template added for export
- Label size for task/project/unit is now 80 caracters
- Export file name is internationalised
- Unicity on project label is removed
- Export class were normalized
- You can import data as XLS file.
Bug corrected:
- Personal projects that do not belong to user that does the export will not be exported
- Issues with Apache caching and Tomcat resolved
Release Beta 1.0.7
Posted on November 02, 2013 by webmaster
Evolutions from Beta 1.0.6:
Bug corrected:
- Excel export shows correct % now
- Corrected some French labels and changed unité into service in help windows.
Release Beta 1.0.6
Posted on November 01, 2013 by webmaster
Evolutions from Beta 1.0.5:
- Will not show late/not late for ended taks
- Send an email to new user with their password (not activated on test server)
Bug corrected:
- 'Assigned user': Assigned user for creation task is now ok after an edition.
- 'Estimated Time': Estimated time for task is now correct if value is greater than 7 days.
Release Beta 1.0.5
Posted on October 23, 2013 by webmaster
Evolutions from Beta 1.0.4:
- EHCache, migration to version 2.7.4
- Hibernate, migration to version 4.2.6
- Struts, migration to version
- MySQL Connector, migration to version 5.1.26
- Tomcat, migration to version 4.0.42
- Commons Net, migration to version 3.3
- Java, migration to version
Bug corrected:
- 'Multi Excel export': All exported value were not colorized properly.
- 'Single/Multi Excel export': Some multivalued elements were not colorized properly when empty.
Release Beta 1.0.4
Posted on September 19, 2013 by webmaster
Evolutions from Beta 1.0.3:
- Help popups were updated regarding the export information
- Handsontable, migration to version 0.9.17
- Hibernate, migration to version 4.2.5
- ChkEditor, migration to version 4.2.1
- FullCalendar JS, migration to version 1.6.4
- Month and Week were removed from time unit.
- You can now export data as XML, CSV or Excel file for search result.
- The email sending option when a task is assigned to or ended was added (not activated on test server)
Bug corrected:
- 'Search click': Title of search screen and show/hide criteria are no more linked.
- 'Time compute': In some cases a day was lost in the calculation of project/task estimated time when using the compute button.
Release Beta 1.0.3
Posted on September 02, 2013 by webmaster
Evolutions from Beta 1.0.2:
- Handsontable, migration to version 0.9.15
- Hibernate, migration to version 4.2.4
- Spring, migration to version 3.2.4
- Ehcache, migration to version 2.7.3
- FullCalendar JS, migration to version 1.6.3
- You can now export simple data as XML, CSV or Excel file (in next release it will export search result)
Bug corrected:
- '404': Some 404 errors in help window for user
Release Beta 1.0.2
Posted on August 02, 2013 by webmaster
Evolutions from Beta 1.0.1:
- You cannot change directly unit memberchip from user edition view, you'll have to go to the unit view
- PWM is faster now (add lazy loading on attachement files and other data links)
- Migration from Hibernate V4.2.2 to V4.2.3
- Migration from Struts V2.3.15 to V2.3.15.1
- Mother task or assigned to will not be editable if task is started
- MsDropdown, migration to version 3.5.2
- ChkEditor, migration to version 4.2.2
- FullCalendar, migration to version 1.6.2
- Anytime calendar, migration to version 4.2013.07.25.a
- For more performances and more simplicity, the relation between project/user and unit/user has change
- State of a task or a project can be changed directly in the view screen now (no need to edit/save)
- State of an element is now also visible in its title
- Assigned user can now edit task type and priority.
Bug corrected:
- 'Task edition when just Assigned to': A missing end tag was added
- 'Tooltip in task edition': Project tooltip in task edition have been simplified
- 'Firefox multisubmit': Firefox should accept the multisubmit Javascript code better now
- 'Reasign Task': Task reasign to an available project will be disabled
Release Beta 1.0.1
Posted on July 15st, 2013 by webmaster
Evolutions from Beta 1.0.0:
- Migration from Struts V1.3.10 to Struts V2.3.15
- Migration from Spring V3.2.2 to Struts V3.2.3
- Migration from Hibernate V4.2.1 to Hibernate V4.2.2
- Migration of MySQL drivers from 5.1.22 to 5.1.25
- Migration of EHCache from 2.7.0 to 2.7.2
- Migration of commons Codec from 1.7 to 1.8
- Migration from JVM to
- Migration from Tomcat 7.0.39 to 7.0.41
- Migration from JQuery 1.9.1 to 1.10.2
Features :
- Migration to Struts 2.0
- Added lastLogin date in search users screen
- Gantt will now use Json feed for visualisation
- History will now use Json feed for speed
- Time unit in all software is now more flexible
- Double submit is now handled in most screen
- Pages were cleaned (less scriptlet code)
- The history class will handle all bugs/evolutions/features between versions
- Confirmation popup will not pop at the bottom of the screen (instead of the top)
Bug corrected:
- Attached File content type such as png and gif are now recognized
- Two tag lib where missing their select close tag
- The use of ' and " in label is now more flexible with JavaScript
- Unit grouping in project update should work fine now
- Author selection is now operational
- Elapsed time in project and task should be correct in all cases now
- Some French labels were corrected
- Corrected issue where a user that belong to no unit could'nt edit its personal project
Release Beta 1.0.0
Posted on May 1st, 2013 by webmaster